Mount & Blade: Warband for Beginners

Recruiting Heroes

Yes, you can recruit your very on heroes to your party! Up until now your entire warband has been nameless. Visiting taverns can introduce you to other mercenaries who are looking for a good leader to follow. Pay them a fee and they’ll join your cause.

You should recruit 1 or 2 heroes early on if you find them based on the skills they offer. They’ll tell you all about themselves so you’ll know exactly where you can benefit from them. This allows you to spend your skill points in other areas early on, since the hero will boost up the skill of their specialty.

They are otherwise just like you. They gain levels and have attributes, skills, and weapon proficienty points you can assign to them. You can equip them with weapons and armor. They will also go on missions for you and someday, when you have your own kingdom, they can become your vassals. But that’s all advanced stuff! What’s key here is that when you gain a hero, they can specialize in certain skills for your party. This makes it even easier to max out the skills you need.

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