The Four Levels of Discrimination (and You) (and Me, Too)

I had been drafting an article about this specific topic. John Scalzi of Whatever has done a better job than I had already. Instead, I’ll follow up my own thoughts on the matter at a later time. Until then, definitely have a read if you’re interested in combating your own discrimination, which in turn improves this place we call the Gamer Community.


I’ve been talking about sexism recentlymy own and others — and I have to say I’ve found it increasingly exasperating to see the massively defensive response of “not all men are sexist” that inevitably follows. One, because it’s wrong (more on that in a bit), and two, because the more I see it, the more it’s obvious that it’s a derail, as in, “Holy shit any discussion of sexism makes me uncomfortable so I want to make it clear I am not sexist so I’ll just demand recognition that not all men are sexist so I can be lumped in with those men who are not sexist and I can be okay with myself .”

(I also note a fair correlation between the men who demand acknowledgment that men are not all sexist and the men who show some general hostility either to women or to the idea that…

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